Jesus our destiny - this was the central theme of Wilhelm Busch's long ministry in Germany as pastor and youth leader, itinerant evangelist and author. He was convinced that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary message of all times. That is why he delighted to proclaim it to great crowds throughout all of Europe. Pastor Busch made it clear to all that Jesus is the ultimate end of man's search for truth.
The original book, "Jesus unser Schicksal" , is by far the bestseller of all German Christian literature. In this highly popular book of selected addresses, you will discover what Wilhelm Busch had to say on the important theme of "Jesus our destiny". And as you do, a whole new outlook on life's most vital questions will open up before you.
- ISBN: 9783038482796
- Auflage: 12. Gesamtauflage (1. Auflage: 12.12.2023)
- Seitenzahl: 224 S.
- Maße: 11,5 x 18,8 x 1,6 cm
- Gewicht: 183g
- Preisbindung: Ja
- Sachgebiet: Fremdsprachige Bücher
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Fontis AGSteinentorstr. 23
4010 BASEL
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