"Christ" and "Quran" - these don't seem to fit together. and yet the Quran says a great deal about Jesus, the Bible, and Christians. This book tries to build bridges. The reader will chuckle at the original ideas and interpretations of some Quranic verses, and it becomes clear that this book was not written by an academic. These thoughts evolved throughout the course of many years of discussions with Muslims friends. Love and forgiveness are emphasized on these pages. It is a book for everyone who is sick of senseless religious wars and hateful speech. Whether complete reconsiliation is possible and both religions can be entirely subsumed into one is clarified in the final section.
- ISBN: 9783957760067
- Auflage: 31.10.2015
- Seitenzahl: 108 S.
- Maße: 14,8 x 21 cm
- Gewicht: 115g
- Preisbindung: Ja
- Sachgebiet: Fremdsprachige Bücher
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