A Biker Bible Story (Buch - Gebunden)

through the eyer of William and Emma

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A Biker Bible Story (Buch - Gebunden)

through the eyer of William and Emma

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The problem is that every year when Florida Bike Week is over and Dad comes home late on Sunday afternoon, he's usually in a bad mood, often grumpy and mad.But this time something ...

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The problem is that every year when Florida Bike Week is over and Dad comes home late on Sunday afternoon, he's usually in a bad mood, often grumpy and mad.
But this time something completely different happens when Dad comes home on Sunday afternoon. Dad is'nt grumpy od mad at all! The first thing he does is show them a book he received at Bike Week. It's called a "Biker Bible".
William and Emma are determined to find out why Dad is acting so differently.


  • ISBN: 9783946919629
  • Auflage: 17.04.2019
  • Seitenzahl: 66 S.
  • Maße: 17 x 24 x 0,4 cm
  • Gewicht: 355g
  • Preisbindung: Ja
  • Sachgebiet: Kinderbücher ab 8 Jahre
  • Altersempfehlung: ab 8 Jahre

  • Vierfarbig

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